Mécénat Servier Charity Fund federates, develops and supports the Servier Group’s solidarity initiatives in the fields of health, education, culture and living together. Its objectives: to increase the social utility of its actions throughout the world and to strengthen the mobilization of the Group’s 22,500 employees – by listening to all its stakeholders.

Since the creation of Mécénat Servier, we have developed over 30 associative partnerships” underlines Corinne Massin, Director of Corporate Philanthropy, General Delegate of Mécénat Servier Charity Fund. “Simultaneously, we have encouraged the Group’s employees to become involved through various initiatives, such as skills-based sponsorship, Congé Solidaire® (solidarity leave), solidarity seminars and, since the end of 2019, micro-donations by rounding down their salaries, L’ARRONDI sur salaire.”.

In 2020, Mécénat Servier carried out its first impact assessment through interviews with employees and partner organizations. It demonstrates the enthusiasm of employees to participate in meaningful charity initiatives. The study also highlights the commitment of Mécénat Servier to associations by truly taking their needs into account through an in-depth listening and co-construction process.

It is this collaborative commitment to all forms of solidarity that Mécénat Servier Charity Fund is promoting through a film.

A film that testifies concrete solidarity actions that strengthen the Group’s territorial footprint and its links with local communities.

Discover the film “Listening to go further together” (4 minutes)

Key figures

1815 employee commitments in 2019/2020

30 associations supported since 2016

21 countries of intervention and growing internationalization